Mainframes over the weekend
MAINFRAMES are not as ubiquitious today as in the past, but they still
play a significant role in several industries. They handle large-scale,
data-intensive workloads and process huge amounts of data fast. They are often
used for high-volume transaction processing, batch-processing, datawarehousing
and analytics. Modern mainframes can run multiple OSes simultaneously and
support cloud computing and virtual environments. Mainframes play a significant
role in Banking and Financial a
COBOL is the best programming language that uses side by side with mainframe
COBOL is essential for the global economy because most financial applications run on a
mainframe system with COBOL as a backend.
To complete a task in the mainframe environment, a set of instructions should provide to the mainframe.
The set of instructions are like - what program to execute, from where the program runs, all all other
parameter information. These sets of instructions are coded using the JCL control statements.
JCL(Job Control Language)is a programming language used on IBM Mainframe operating system.
JCL is a language with a set of predefined instructions that are used by the JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM(JES3)
to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem.
Virtual Storage access method refers to both type of the dataset and the access methods that are used to manage
various dataset types.
The access method makes na I/O operation(moving data between an I/O device and memory) easier for an application.
VSAM is a type of record-oriented system and an IBM invented access method that allows us to access and organize
records in the dataset.
CICS stands for "Customer Information Control System". CICS is a online Transaction Processing System.
It provides online transaction management and connectivity..
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