Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

API Driven Banking

  • API Driven Architecture
  • Platform
  • API Design
  • Security
  • Frontend for API Driven
  • Robust Backend
  • Core Banking APIs
  • Open Banking
  • API First Approach
  • Scaling APIs
  • API Ecosystem
  • Future Outlook 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


1. How we communicate with our parents? a. We communicate with our parents like a friendly manner, we should discuss every small issues and they are the best supporters to their children. They understand our problems and find the best solution to us. b. We should treat our parents with respect and we should be always supportive to them. We should not hurt them as they are the first God to us. c. We have to listen to parents words first and understand clearly what they are willing yo communicate us and then we need to summarize what we have understood. d. We should try to understand parents perspective even we disagree their thoughts and what they are saying to us. e. Think before you speak, especially when you’re talking with parents about difficult or sensitive issues. f. Let parents make informed decisions. You can suggest ideas, but it’s up to parents to decide what to do next. 2. How we communicate with our friends? a. Friends communicate through diverse channels, including texting, calling, video chatting, social media and face to face interactions. Texting offers quick exchanges, while calls and video chats provide a more personal touch. b. Social media platforms enable sharing updates and staying connected virtually. In-Person conversations deepen relationships through direct interactions. c. The choice often depends on convenience, preferences and the nature of the friendship. d. We need to be more balanced while we are doing in friendship as it should not break the friendship by a bad communication. 3. How we communicate with our colleagues? a. Email Communication: use professional emails for formal communication. b. Phone calls: Make call for urgent matters or detailed discussions. c. Instant Messaging: utilize platforms like slack for quick, informal messages. d. Meetings: Engage in regular team meetings for updates and discussions. e. Collaboration Tools: Employ tools like Google workspace or Microsoft Teams for document sharing and collaborative work. f. Internal Memos: Share important information through internal memos. g. Feedback Session: Provide and seek feedback for continuous improvement. h. Social Events: Participate in office events to build camaraderie and strengthen team bonds. 4. How we communicate with Managers? a. Scheduled Meetings: We can have discussion over the meetings to discuss the progress and concerns. b. Email updates: Send concise and informative email updates on project or relevant Issues. c. Clear Communication: Articulate thoughts clearly, focusing on Key points. d. Feedback: Seek and provide constructive feedback for mutual improvement. e. Professional tone: Maintain a professional tone in written and verbal communication. f. Prioritize Issues: Clearly communicate the urgency and importance of issues. g. Be Proactive: Keep Managers informed proactively, especially about potential challenges. h. Document Decision: Summarize key decisions in writing to avoid misunderstandings. I. Respect Boundaries: Be mindful of their time and follow any established communication protocols. 5. How we communicate with Clients? a. Clear Email Communication: Craft professional and clear emails for formal communication. b. Regular updates: Provide regular updates on project progress and milestones. c. Phone/video Calls: Schedule calls for more in-depth discussions or addressing concerns. d. Time Responses: Respond promptly to client inquires and messages. e. Documented Agreements: Clearly outline project details, timelines, and expectations in written form. f. Transparent Reporting: Share any challenges transparently and propose solutions. g. Feedback Sessions: Seek and provide constructive feedback for continuous improvement. h. Face-to-Face Meetings: When feasible, consider in-person meetings for a more personal connection. I. Client portal: Utilize secure client portals for document sharing and collaboration. j. Thank you Notes: Express gratitude after successful project phases or upon project completion.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Mainframes over the weekend

MAINFRAMES are not as ubiquitious today as in the past, but they still play a significant role in several industries. They handle large-scale, data-intensive workloads and process huge amounts of data fast. They are often used for high-volume transaction processing, batch-processing, datawarehousing and analytics. Modern mainframes can run multiple OSes simultaneously and support cloud computing and virtual environments. Mainframes play a significant role in Banking and Financial a COBOLreas. COBOL COBOL is the best programming language that uses side by side with mainframe computing COBOL is essential for the global economy because most financial applications run on a mainframe system with COBOL as a backend. JCL To complete a task in the mainframe environment, a set of instructions should provide to the mainframe. The set of instructions are like - what program to execute, from where the program runs, all all other parameter information. These sets of instructions are coded using the JCL control statements. JCL(Job Control Language)is a programming language used on IBM Mainframe operating system. JCL is a language with a set of predefined instructions that are used by the JOB ENTRY SUBSYSTEM(JES3) to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem. VSAM Virtual Storage access method refers to both type of the dataset and the access methods that are used to manage various dataset types. The access method makes na I/O operation(moving data between an I/O device and memory) easier for an application. VSAM is a type of record-oriented system and an IBM invented access method that allows us to access and organize records in the dataset. CICS CICS stands for "Customer Information Control System". CICS is a online Transaction Processing System. It provides online transaction management and connectivity..

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Interview Questions for freshers on spring boot\java

Spring boot API vs goLang APISpring boot API vs goLang API? Spring Boot (Java): Well-established in the enterprise world. Extensive ecosystem with a rich set of libraries and frameworks. Strong object-oriented programming support. Good for large, complex applications. Uses traditional thread-based concurrency Generally has slightly longer startup times and higher memory usage. Uses Maven or Gradle for dependency management. Golang: Known for its simplicity, efficiency, and strong concurrency support. Fast compilation and execution speed. Explicit and minimalist syntax. Suitable for building scalable and efficient microservices. Has goroutines and channels, providing a more lightweight and efficient concurrency model. Known for fast compilation, quick startup times, and efficient resource usage. Has its own built-in dependency management tool called "go modules." How to deploy spring boot api in local windows machine? Build Spring Boot project using Maven or Gradle. Run Build Command in your project’s root Directory . Open command prompt in the directory containing your built JAR or WAR file. Use Java -jar command to run your spring boot application. Once the application is running open web browser and go to http://localhost:8080. How to deploy spring boot api in docker container? Create a `Dockerfile` in the root of your Spring Boot project. This file will contain instructions for building the Docker image. FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim WORKDIR /app COPY target/your-application-name.jar app.jar EXPOSE 8080 CMD ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"] Adjust the `your-application-name.jar` with the actual name of your JAR file. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing your `Dockerfile`. Build the Docker image using the following command: docker build -t your-image-name:tag . Replace `your-image-name:tag` with a suitable name and version for your Docker image. After successfully building the Docker image, you can run a container using the following command: docker run -p 8080:8080 your-image-name:tag This command maps port 8080 from your container to your local machine. Once the container is running, open a web browser and go to `http://localhost:8080` to access your Spring Boot API. Explain all annotations? 1. @ComponentScan: Scans for Spring components within a specified package or packages. 2. @Component: Indicates that a class is a Spring component, and its instances can be managed by the Spring container. 3. @Service, @Repository, @Controller: Specialized versions of `@Component` used for service classes, repository classes, and controller classes, respectively. 4. @Autowired: Marks a constructor, field, or method to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection mechanism. 5. @Qualifier: Used in conjunction with `@Autowired` to specify the exact bean to be injected, especially when multiple beans of the same type exist. 6. @Configuration: Identifies a class as a configuration class, defining beans and their relationships. 7. @Bean: Used within a `@Configuration` class to declare a bean. The method annotated with `@Bean` produces a bean instance. 8. @Value: Injects values from properties files or other sources into fields in a Spring bean. 9. @Profile: Allows the selection of beans based on the active profiles in the Spring application. 10. @RequestMapping: Maps HTTP requests to handler methods in Spring MVC controllers. 11. @PathVariable: Extracts values from the URI template and injects them into method parameters. 12. @RequestParam: Binds request parameters to method parameters in Spring MVC controllers. 13. @RequestBody: Binds the body of an HTTP request to a method parameter, typically used for handling POST requests with JSON payloads. Embedded Server? In Spring Boot, you can embed a server like Apache Tomcat or Jetty directly within your application, eliminating the need for a separate server installation. To use the embedded server, include the necessary dependency in your project's build file (e.g., Maven or Gradle).